

A Showit 5 website by The Buffalo Collective. Featuring photography by Nicole Mason.


shaun + lindsay // bay area wedding photographer

First day of Fall & it’s the height of wedding season. As I laid in bed this morning, trying to wake up, I couldn’t help but “like” seven or more Facebook statuses in a row… all photographer friends getting ready to shoot weddings on this beautiful sunny day in the bay area.

But today is my day off, and I’m grateful, because while I’ve also been busy shooting weddings, I’m excited to catch up on editing. First up, Shaun & Lindsay’s wedding at a gorgeous private residence in Alamo. The bay area never ceases to amaze me & I’m always surprised that within a 45 minute drive from SF, I can leave the city and end up in a hidden gem of a location with hills for days, gorgeous sunsets and wildlife. Yes, I even saw a few deer off the side of the road.

Shaun & Lindsay’s wedding was perfect. Intimate & filled with love and family. I’m so thankful to Marcie Lynn Photography for asking me to shoot this wedding alongside her!

cristal veronica



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